House of the Soul’s Belonging – Leddy Hammock

House of the Soul’s Belonging – Leddy Hammock

Leddy Hammock in St. LouisInspired by lyrics from “House of the Soul’s Belonging” by JD Martin, Jan Garrett: 

“In the kingdom of love there is no competition.  There is no contradiction, and no control. But you can take possession, and claim your passion, working on a building that cannot be bought or sold.

Step into the feeling of sweet surrender, let yourself remember who you are. You can take your own sweet time, and ease your troubled mind in the secret sanctuary of the heart.

There is room for all the kindness you can hold, and you know that you can take it with you everywhere you go.

  Living in the House of the Soul’s Belonging, where you know without a doubt that you’ve made it home, living in the House of the Soul’s belonging, coming back to the holy ground that you’ve always known.”

Responsive Reading for Sunday, February 23

“Know that I am with you; I will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land.  I will never leave you . . . .’  When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he exclaimed, ‘Truly, the LORD is in this spot, although I did not know it!” (Genesis 28: 15-16).

“Living in the house of the soul’s belonging, where you know without a doubt that you’ve made it home, living in the House of the Soul’s belonging, Coming back to the holy ground that you’ve always known.”

“Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands.  As the prophet says: The heavens are my throne, the earth is my footstool.  What kind of house can you build for me? says the Lord, or what is my resting place?  Did not my hand make all these things?’” (Acts 7: 48-50).

“In the kingdom of love there is no competition. There is no contradiction, and no control.  But you can take possession, and claim your passion, Working on a building that cannot be bought or sold.”

“We have a building from God, a dwelling not made with hands . . .’” (I Corinthians 5:1).

“Step into the feeling of sweet surrender, let yourself remember who you are. You can take your own sweet time, and ease your troubled mind in the secret sanctuary of the heart. There is room for all the kindness you can hold, And you know that you can take it with you everywhere you go.”

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mat. 18:20).  

“Living in the House of the Soul’s Belonging, where you know without a doubt that you’ve made it home, living in the House of the Soul’s belonging, Coming back to the holy ground that you’ve always known.”