Love is the power that moves like the mighty sea, the peace that brings wars to cease. Love is everything.
Love is the voice that calls us into being. It’s the joy that makes a songbird sing, the word that every language speaks, the Name that is above all things.
Love is everything.
Love can’t hide, be pushed aside, or be unseen.
It’s you and me. Love is everything.
Love stands beside us. It goes before us. Love is everything.
It moves around us, it restores us. Love is everything.
Responsive Reading for April 14
”The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic…. The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning” (Ps 29: 3-7).
Love is the power that moves like the mighty sea, the peace that brings wars to cease. Love is everything.
“Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth…. Then let all the trees of the forest rejoice before the LORD… who comes to govern the world with justice and the peoples with faithfulness” (Ps 96: 1-2, 12).
Love is the voice that calls us into being. It’s the joy that makes a songbird sing,
the word that every language speaks, the Name that is above all things. Love is everything.
“Mighty LORD, your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule the raging sea; you still its swelling waves…. Yours are the heavens, yours the earth; you founded the world and everything in it” (Ps 96:1-13).
Love can’t hide, be pushed aside, or be unseen. It’s you and me. Love is everything.
“You, God, are my fortress, my loving God…. May God go before me . . . But I shall sing of your strength, extol your love at dawn, for you are my fortress, my refuge in time of trouble, my strength, your praise I will sing, you, God, are my fortress, my loving God” (Ps 59:10-18).
Love stands beside us. It goes before us. Love is everything.
It moves around us, it restores us. Love is everything.