“The Journey” – Leddy Hammock

“The Journey” – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to “The Journey” by Claudia Carawan:

God guides and provides, shelters and sustains us on our journey. We have only to follow.

The Spirit of the LORD goes with us and before us, by day and by night, to show the way.

Our journey has been long and not always easy, but in the fullness of time, we are always divinely provided.

Even when we could not see the path before us, the way has been revealed and we have not traveled alone. Safe journey!

Responsive Reading for January 24

The LORD said to Jacob, “‘Know that I am with you; I will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. I will never leave you . . . .’ Jacob then made this vow: ‘If God remains with me, to protect me on this journey I am making . . . and I come back safe to my father’s house, the LORD shall be my God’”(Genesis 28:15-21).

“Through all the ups and downs, I’ve come to see, I’m been guided by a force of Mystery,
traveling on the journey.”
God guides and provides, shelters and sustains us on our journey. We have only to follow.

“The LORD, your God . . . journeys before you to find you a resting place–by day in the cloud, and by night in the fire, to show the way you must go” (Deuteronomy 1:33).

“The soul is on a journey of a destiny unknown, and it follows faithfully a path that is its own.”
The Spirit of the LORD goes with us and before us, by day and by night, to show the way.

“The LORD, your God, has blessed you in all your undertakings; he has been concerned about your journey through this vast desert. It is now forty years that he has been with you, and you have never been in want” (Deuteronomy 2:7).

“Two steps forward, one step back along the way. Life is sweeter when you take it day by day,
traveling on the journey.”
Our journey has been long and not always easy, but in the fullness of time, we are always divinely provided.

“I will lead the blind on their journey; by paths unknown I will guide them. I will turn darkness into light before them, and make crooked ways straight. These things I do for them, and I will not forsake them” (Isaiah 42:16).

“I don’t know what road lies ahead or where I’m bound. It’s only in reflection that I realize what I’ve found, traveling on the journey.”
Even when we could not see the path before us, the way has been revealed and we have not traveled alone. Safe journey!