“The Way of God” – Judy Tafelski

“The Way of God” – Judy Tafelski

Judy TafelskiInspired by lyrics to “The Way of God” by Richard Mekdeci:

“Hush my child,” I heard the voice say from the dark night of my soul. “Things are not as bad as they seem, you are stronger than you know. You call on me to help you but it’s already done. Ev’rything I am, you are; the battle has been won. You are not weak. You are not helpless. You are not fear. You are not judgment. You are whole. You are worthy. You are the way of God, the way of God.

Deep in my own heart I found strength and the courage to go on, When I faced my fears I could see they were all just illusion. I want to make the difference, I want to be the way. Now when I want to turn and run, I hear myself say:

Stretch your heart until it reaches the way of God. Ev’ry Master Teacher teaches the way of God. ‘Cause the only way to peace is the way of God.

So when the path before you seems too much to take, just remember who you are, take a breath and say, I am not weak. I am not helpless. I am not fear. I am not judgment. I am whole. I am worthy. I am the way of God.”

Responsive Reading for August 14

“The Lord says to you, ‘Do not fear or lose heart at the sight of this vast multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s. … You will not have to fight in this encounter. Take your places, stand firm, and see how the LORD will be with you to deliver you . . . . Do not fear or lose heart . . . . The LORD will be with you’” (II Chronicles 20:15-17).

“Hush my child,” I heard the voice say from the dark night of my soul. “Things are not as bad as they seem, you are stronger than you know. You call on me to help you but it’s already done. Ev’rything I am, you are; the battle has been won.”

“I chose you, I have not rejected you—Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. . . . For I am the Lord, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:10-13).

You are not weak. You are not helpless. You are not fear. You are not judgment. You are whole. You are worthy. You are the way of God, The way of God.

Mordecai prayed to the Lord and said: “Lord, Lord, King and Ruler of all, everything is in your power. . . . You made heaven and earth and every wonderful thing under heaven. You are Lord of all. . . . You know all things…. I will not bow down to anyone but you, my Lord ….’ Esther prayed: “My Lord, you alone are our King. Help me …. Be mindful of us, Lord. Make yourself known in the time of our distress and give me courage, …. O God, whose power is over all . . . . Deliver me from my fear” (Esther 4:2-30).

Deep in my own heart I found strength and the courage to go on, When I faced my fears I could see they were all just illusion. I want to make the difference, I want to be the way. Now when I want to turn and run, I hear myself say: I am not weak. I am not helpless. I am not fear. I am not judgment. I am whole. I am worthy. I am the way of God.

“‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me…. And if I go and prepare a place for you… where I am you also may be. Where [I] am going you know the way.’ ‘Thomas said to him, ‘Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him’” (John 14:1-7).

Stretch your heart until it reaches the way of God. Ev’ry master teacher teaches the way of God. ‘Cause the only way to peace is the way of God.
So when the path before you seems too much to take, just remember who you are, take a breath and say, I am not weak. I am not helpless. I am not fear. I am not judgment. I am whole. I am worthy. I am the way of God.