“Think Positive” – Leddy Hammock

“Think Positive” – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to “I Am the Thinker” by Sue Riley:

“I am the thinker who thinks the thought that changes things that shape my life. I am the thinker who thinks the thought. I have the power to change my life….

If you ask me “Who am I?” I am wisdom, I am light.  I am more than meets the eye. I cannot be defined….

If you ask me “What am I?” I am beauty, I am joy.  I am more than meets the eye. I cannot be defined….

I can choose to be the light that brightens someone’s darkest night. I’m so much more than meets the eye. I cannot be defined.

I am the thinker who thinks the thought that changes things that shape my life. I am the thinker who thinks the thought. I have the power to change my life.”

Responsive Reading for July 18

A person’s “thoughts . . . . what his [or her] mind’s eye sees . . . . So it is with all . . . . goodness will never be cut off and justice endures forever . . . . Gold and silver make one’s way secure, but better than either, sound judgment” (Sirach 40: 2 – 25).

If you ask me “Who am I?” I am wisdom, I am light.
I am more than meets the eye. I cannot be defined.

“Love righteousness . . . Think of the LORD in goodness and seek him in integrity of heart . . . for wisdom is a kindly spirit” (Wisdom 1:1-6).

If you ask me “What am I?” I am beauty, I am joy.
I am more than meets the eye. I cannot be defined.

“Only think of me when all is well with you” (Genesis 40:14).

I can choose to be the light that brightens someone’s darkest night.
I’m so much more than meets the eye. I cannot be defined.

“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2).

I am the thinker who thinks the thought that changes things that shape my life.
I am the thinker who thinks the thought.
I have the power to change my life.