Let Us Make Your Visit a Little Easier

We’re delighted that you’ve decided to visit us! Below are some frequently asked questions.
If you don’t find your answer here, please don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call at (727) 531-0992!
Also, please greet our minister(s) at the front of the Sanctuary right after the service. They look forward to meeting you in person and having the opportunity to say hello!
How Do I Get to UCC?
Centrally located with easy access from the entire Tampa Bay area, Unity Church of Clearwater is easy to get to from wherever you’re coming from.
Click here for detailed directions by car
Click here for detailed directions by public transportation
We have a large parking lot and our Sanctuary is at the very front of the building and has (by far) the highest roof on the entire facility. Below are a few tips about the parking lot and building:
- All of the doors to the building are on the east and west sides.
- On Sunday the best entrances are our lobby entrances and they are the first doors immediately past the Sanctuary.
- There are several “First Time Visitor” spaces just outside the Sanctuary on the east side.
- On Sundays look for the “Unity Express” (fancy term for golf cart). It will take you from anywhere on the parking lot to the lobby entrance. After church you’ll find it waiting at the west lobby entrance ready to take you back to your car. It’s especially helpful on rainy days!
- We’re extremely animal conscious at UCC, so please leave pets safe at home during services and other events. Our shuttle drivers are obliged to call the authorities about children and animals left in vehicles.
Is Everyone Welcome?
We are an open and affirming congregation and ALL are welcome here!
What Should I Wear on Sundays?
We are a “come as you are” church! You’ll feel comfortable in your Sunday go to church clothes, or in your heading to the beach after church attire!
Where Do I Take My Kids?
We have an active, fun Children’s Ministry, that includes nursery, pre-k, elementary, middle, and high school. Just bring the kids to the lobby with you and one of our friendly ushers will be happy to walk you to the right place and introduce you to the correct adult supervisor.
What Is the Sunday Service Like?
Our Sunday Service is contemporary and upbeat and lasts around an hour. Our ministers are dynamic, and speak to the heart as well as the head.
We have a great band and there’s something for everyone. You’ll at times hear country, pop, folk, traditional, and many other genres of music at UCC. Our music is unique, and always positive & uplifting!
We’re accessible friendly, with room for wheelchairs, large screens at the front of the Sanctuary, so you’ll be able to see well in the back, and hearing assistance devices.
Is there Coffee?
A pretty common question on Sunday mornings! We have coffee, treats, and great fellowship in our Café before and after the Sunday Service. It gets a little crowded in there after the service, so thanks in advance for your patience while our wonderful volunteers help everyone get served.
Do You Have a Bookstore?
We have a terrific bookstore that offers many positive titles from favorite authors such as Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and many others. We also carry Blue Mountain Arts greeting cards, a wide selection of Positive music CDs and lots of other life affirming gifts, jewelry, t-shirts, etc.
Will Someone Pray with Me?
Members of our Ministry Team are always available on Sundays to share a prayer with you. Just ask one of our Welcome Team (ushers) or Bookstore Team members and they’ll be happy to find a prayer chaplain or minister.